Barnabas Community Church
Shrewsbury SY3 7DN

Support Us

You can donate online using our account with or PayPal using the buttons below or using our account details:

Co-operative Bank
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 67224078 

If you would like to become a regular supporter of BREADtrust please complete the form at the bottom of this page, you can also use this to request a gift aid form.
 You can also donate to us via PayPal:  
Prayer is the key to all of the work that we do and we rely upon and are very grateful for our all of our prayer partners. If you would like to become a prayer partner get in touch with us and we will keep you updated with our newsletter and any urgent requests.
Follow us on social media and stay up to date with our news and events.

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Please get in touch below if you would like to know more and we will be in touch.

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